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HOURS of operation:

Studio is open
by appointments and
for registered
events only


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"When you buy from an independent artist you are buying more than just a painting or a novel or a song. You are buying hundreds of hours of experimentation and thousands of failures. You are buying days, weeks, months, years of frustration and moments of pure joy..... You aren’t just buying a thing - you are buying a piece of heart, part of a soul, a private moment in someone’s life. Most importantly, you are buying that artist more time to do something they are truly passionate about; something that makes all of the above worth the fear and doubt; something that puts the life into living.” - Rebekah Joy Plett 

Welcome to Affinity Glassworks, Inc


Mystical, visually exciting, jewel-like, expressive, joyous, paradoxical, and versatile – GLASS is an extraordinary material capturing, transforming and dispersing light. Affinity Glassworks Studio was created to promote, educate and share with the Greater Houston area the incredible beauty of handmade Kiln-Formed Glass.

Affinity Glassworks is a place for creative production, experimentation, and boundless education using glass as an art making material. Affinity glassworks is a studio, where beginner and professional glass artists have unlimited opportunities to explore, gain inspiration, and create their visions without being hindered by lack of equipment, materials or knowledge.


Art Platters

Beautiful pieces below will adorn your empty shelves and table tops. They were made using variety of different techniques.

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Wall Art

We use a fusion of colors to grace any wall space in your home. Piaces below are flat panels that are designed to be installed ethier on walls or displayed in stand.

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Whether you are looking for a few special pieces to adorn your shelves or spectacularly bring to life your empty walls or plain windows, Affinity Glassworks has the answers for you, we will use a fusion of colors to grace any space in your home. Consult with the experts who will help you transform your home into your own private art gallery.

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affinity glassworks studio